What holds most of us back from writing a book is the thought of having to write and write ... and write.
With MiniBük your idea, product, service or message becomes an easily finished task. After all, you're not writing an epic novel ... unless that is your goal.
Turn an article into a book
Convert a PowerPoint into
a book
Publish a short story about
your business philosophy
Highlight a product
Enlist key managers to
write short pieces about
the organization
Publish a series of photos
or drawings |

By becoming your own editor and publisher, your MiniBük will be an extension of you. Whether a sole proprietor or a larger organziation, having your own book will suddenly give you an edge. |
We are always meeting talented writers, editors and communicators. So, if you feel you need someone to help with any part of your MiniBük, contact us and we will do our best to introduce you to someone who can help.
Get the MiniBük that's all about MiniBük. Includes tips on writing your MiniBük. To get one mailed to you, click here. |